Finding The King Within – A Chance To Step Fully Into Your Masculine Power!
Join us on this residential weekend for men and you WILL access the deepest strengths of your King energy.
To find out when the next workshop is running, visit my colleague Ed Rooke’s website (click here)
Embody Your Masculine Power, Take Control Of Your Life, and Become More Of Who You Were Always Meant To Be.
The King Within You is waiting to take his throne – and when he does, your life will change.
For your Sovereign Energy, your King Within, is the embodiment of your masculine power. It is the part of you which holds the vision for you and your world, and ensures you are aligned to your sense of purpose and mission in the world.
Your King is the source of your leadership, joy, strength, wisdom, emotional maturity, self-worth, self-belief, and of knowing you are good enough just the way you are. This is the archetypal energy each of us needs to live a successful, happy life.
If your life is short on joy, or there’s little blessing and celebration in your life, or you’re living from day to day without a long term vision or much self-confidence, or your emotions (or actions) seem to be out of control, perhaps this is your time…. the time to give full expression to that primal archetype of power, potency, magnificence and joy waiting inside of you.
Now, we offer you the opportunity to find your King on a workshop exclusively for men.
Finding The King Within You Is A Weekend That Could Change Your Life
This profound and powerful weekend starts at 2 pm on Thursday and finishes at 4 pm on Sunday. It is fully residential, with all meals provided for us by an experienced chef. This is a place out of your everyday life in which you can take time and space to discover, strengthen and develop your Sovereign Energy.
In fact this is a weekend for any man who wants to find his true sovereignty. It is for any man who wants to step into his power and stand as the King in his own Kingdom, be that family, work, friends, business or any other world.
When you fully access your Sovereign energy, you become a true leader in your own life. You can then live clearly, focused on mission, with a deep wisdom and compassion for all in your kingdom.
Your inner King wants to embody authenticity, integrity and principle. This is the essence of who you always were, before the world got in the way and made you smaller than you ever deserved to become.
Now is the time to rediscover your power, potency and presence; the moment to awaken your inner Sovereign.
What We Offer On This Weekend
The weekend work focuses on an exploration of the Sovereign archetype, and offers a precious opportunity to work on and reintegrate the shadows blocking your path to your Sovereign. We have many group processes to guide you as you step into and embody your powerful Sovereign energy.
To ensure you stand as King fully in your power, and stay safely on your throne, you will have plenty of opportunities to talk with all the other parts of your Kingdom: your Warrior, your Magician, and your Lover. In this way your King energy can bring your Kingdom into good order.
As King, you will give orders to your Warrior, bring your Magician to your side as a valued counsellor, and find the softness and tenderness of the Lover within.
The group will share stories about Kingship, learn about the archetypes and how they interact, how they become unbalanced, and discover how each of us can put that energy back into balance.
Each day starts with a session designed to reconnect you with your body so that you can feel the wisdom held in your body.
During the weekend there is also time to attend to your sense of Mission, Vision and Purpose, for these are important elements of your Sovereign leadership. You will experience some powerful techniques which can help you, the Sovereign in your realm, find and embody a vision which represents the way forward for your Kingdom.
And all the time, we will be in the open-hearted company of other men, a group of Sovereigns supporting each other to become more of who we really are. Every man arrives as an equal – as “first among equals” – and every man will leave feeling more of a leader in his own Kingdom, whatever that means for each of us.
This weekend is led by Rod Boothroyd and/or Ed Rooke, who co-designed and co-led the first three King weekends.
Rod Boothroyd
I work with men individually and in groups to heal the wounds of childhood in every Archetype. And beyond healing, I work with men to guide them as they explore and access their unexpressed power and potency in the world, so they can be fully who they were always meant to be. Together we explore unconscious shadows, find ways to heal them, and strengthen the power and potency of your Sovereign, the leader within you. I’ve worked with hundreds of men in groups and one to one settings over the past few years, bringing my training in psychotherapy to complement my vast experience and training in working with the shadow. I’m a certified Healing The Shadow practitioner.
About Ed Rooke
My work focuses on helping men to reconnect with lost parts of their unconscious, so that they can open to the freedom and power of being truly themselves. I became involved in this work by necessity, when my own emotional blocks manifested in a chronic illness 15 years ago. Working with my shadow not only gave me my health back, it also made life more connected and richer than it ever had been. Experiencing this shift has naturally led me to support others in the healing of their emotional wounds. After completing a doctorate in Psychology, I trained in Hypnotherapy and also in Generative Coaching and Voice Dialogue. Much of my work focuses on the Lover archetype, creating the profound safety that is required to open to the most sensitive parts within us, and helping men transform their blocks around relationship and intimacy. My approach is greatly influenced by many years spent assisting and training with relationship expert Jan Day. I am now part of the ‘School of Being’ faculty and lead several workshops in the Living Tantra series.
Phone: 07753 172 419
Finding The King Within: Testimonials From Previous Sovereign Weekends (Dec 2018 & Dec 2019)
The weekend was excellent, well run and organised with superb leadership. I came away having got much more than I hoped for, making a deep and powerful connection with a revised version of my sovereign self. I discovered my inner sovereign is not the white shiny idealised vision I had thought it was before. Rather he is battered, real, down to earth and beautiful with all his scars: a man who has lived through tough times and good times. Now I feel I have found a deeper level of self acceptance. I also clarified my vision for my life and some practical steps to support me in retaining the healing and learning from the weekend. Can’t recommend it enough. – Ian, Bradford on Avon
I knew when I saw the email from Rod about this residential workshop that this was something I needed to attend. Over the course of the weekend Rod, Ed and Diarmaid, supported by Richard, took us on a journey exploring the King, Warrior, Magician and Lover archetypes, helping us to find the King within. There were group processes to help us step in to our Sovereign energy and help us heal the shadows which were stopping us fully accessing our true sovereignty and being the King in our Kingdom in all areas of our lives. Overcoming these shadows is about being authentic, having integrity and being principled, demonstrating what a compassionate, responsible, and powerful man looks like… and also being able to bless others and ask for and receive help when required. This was a great weekend and very beneficial, and it certainly shifted something inside of me! After the weekend I felt more centred and balanced, and better connected to my internal power. And the weekend has given me ideas to take forward into my life, such as communicating with my King, Warrior, Magician and Lover. – Michael, Reading
It’s two days after the “Finding The King Within” workshop and trying to aptly describe the experience is hard. I look back at myself before the weekend and I look into my own eyes today and even though the physical form, the “human shell”, is the same, the man looking back at me is different. I wonder how could such a change have taken place in such a short time?
When I found this workshop, through a friend’s recommendation, not knowing much on Archetypes, only what I had briefly read, I was drawn to do it. The universe presents to you exactly what you need at exactly the right time – and this workshop was just so! – Anon.
Rod, Diarmaid and Ed, are experts at holding the space to carry out this kind of work. Their attention to each man on the workshop is unparalleled, they always seemed to have time to stop and chat between sessions if needed. I arrived with no connection to my King, and my “Kingdom” was in chaos. Hopefully you note I used the past tense there, because at the end of the weekend I left the workshop with a strong sense of my Sovereignty. Every process/exercise was so well explained and guided that I was never left wondering what I was supposed to be doing. I felt so cared for and supported during each process, which allowed me to feel safe to go deep and connect to my King. This has given me the confidence to believe in myself, to know that I have everything I need right now within me, and that my King can help guide me from now on. I feel more in tune with who I am and who I want to be, and how to go about merging these two together. I came away having experienced some of the most profound moments in my life. I began to make peace with certain aspects of myself that I had suppressed my whole life, all the time being “held” by men of such honour. It was a privilege to share this experience with 17 other men. I left having witnessed 13 men become Kings, guided by Kings, and having become a King. I cannot recommend this workshop highly enough for any man who is looking to step into his own power. I truly think that this is a necessary initiation into manhood and will empower every man who goes through it. – King Eoin
I have had the good fortune of working with a number of practices that have influenced my development, from plant medicine to hatha yoga to mma. The real-life efficacy and potency that I see deployed in the work these men do is staggering to me; it works. They hold a phenomenal space and build a powerful container in which they work with the precision and grace of samurai. Commit. Today. – Nick Green.
I have now attended two Archetype weekend workshops with Rod. I’ve found them to be empowering, energising and truly transformational experiences. Rod and his fellow facilitators held a beautiful sacred and safe space, a space that allowed whatever emotion or power was forming within me to be seen, heard, held and released. I am truly grateful for the opportunity I have had to experience this work and cannot recommend too highly these workshops and how important I feel it is for other men to have to chance to encounter this work too…. – James, Hampshire
Dear Rod, I loved the workshop, despite being quite fearful at times. I was, and still am, in awe of how the other men mirrored so much of my own emotional energy, and so I was absolutely ready to melt into my own grief. I am deeply grateful that you, Ed and Diarmaid are dedicated to this work, for myself obviously, but equally for my brothers. I can easily go to that place where another man’s pain, grief or anger is more justified than my own. Then I feel embarrassed by comparing my story to theirs. I also know that denying what I feel serves neither me nor the ones I love. So thank you for seeing me, for your skilful holding, and for your loving acceptance of me, just as I am. With a brother’s love, – PBB
P.S.: I don’t know where/if these words fit in (though I could take a guess) but they came to me as I was writing… “Hold a safe and compassionate space and they will come, said the Magician to his King. So he did and so did they, and he wept as his heart was broken open in compassion, awe, love and gratitude, again and again and again.” Bless you brother, bless you all.