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Interested In Training in Shadow Work?

With the threat of job losses, economic contraction, and  more arduous terms and conditions for employees, you might be considering a career in which you can be your own boss.

A career as a therapist can provide you with the freedom to  work from home at times that suit you,  as well as offering a very rewarding career guiding people to fulfill their potential.  And the financial rewards can be substantial, too. 

If you’re interested in the possibilities which such a career offers, check out Marianne Hill’s training course, where you can explore the possibilities of shadow work training.

Marianne is highly experienced shadow work practitioner and trainer, with years of experience n running both groups and individual sessions. Her sensitivity and skill are evident in her approach to each client, and she offers group introductory workshops to shadow work. These events can really give you a sense of the possibilities this empowering, effective and practical therapy offers.